
World Premiers

I have made a list over (nearly) all the works I have premiered since 1996. The list includes solo pieces by Bent Sørensen, Hans Abrahamsen, Atli Ingolfsson, Rolf Wallin, Maja S.K. Ratkje, concertos, music dramatic works and chamber music, including more than 50 pieces composed for POING.

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Modern Accordion Perspectives

I have contributed with a personal essay entitled ‘The accordionist in the 21st century’ in a new article collection edited by Claudio Jacomucci, available as pdf here.

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Since 2011 Frode Haltli holds a position at the Norwegian Academy of Music, teaching selected accordion students at master’s level. The Norwegian Academy of Music offers music education of the highest level and holds a central position in Norwegian music.

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New albums

After the release of ‘Arne Nordheim Complete Accordion Music‘ in November 2012 I have contributed on some other albums, most recently Ingebjørg Loe Bjørnstad’s debut ‘Hæm‘.

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Listen to my music!

If you want to listen to single tracks from my most important releases, please go to the Discography section! If you select the pop-up player you can continue listening while going to other pages.

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Happy new year 2013!

I summon up 2012 and give you the new promo video for my Arne Nordheim album which is soon released in the US!

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Live performance on web TV

The performance of Arne Nordheim’s ‘Spur’ with Frode Haltli and the Norwegian Radio Orchestra from November 10th 2012 is available on NRK2 web TV (see 16 minutes into the program!). The concert marked the release of the new album ‘Arne Nordheim Complete Accordion Works’.

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Release concerts

There will be two release concerts of my album ‘Arne Nordheim Complete Accordion Works’ where I perform ‘Spur’ with orchestra: In Oslo (Nov 10) and Huddersfield, UK (Nov 24)

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New solo album

My new album with all the music for accordion by Arne Nordheim (1931-2010) will be released on Simax Classics in November. Live performances of the concerto ‘Spur’ in Oslo (Nov 10) and Huddersfield, UK (Nov 24) will mark the release of this important recording in my discography.


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Revised version of Bent Sørensen concerto

Bent Sørensen recently made some important changes in his piece “It is Pain Flowing Down Slowly on a White Wall” for solo accordion and strings. I will premiere the new version with the Trondheim Soloists in the Nidaros Cathedral during Trondheim Chamber Music Festival.

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